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ID NO : BGN210210590

What is covid-19 ? Covid-19 is a virus that spread around the world that started from Wuhan , China . In late 2019 there’s is global pandemic . After the global pandemic start everything has changed . Our life has changed because of covid-19.

There’s a lot people who died because of covid-19 . People lost their job , their family and their food because of global pandemic . If one of us got tested positive for covid-19 , you have to quarantine yourself alone , you cannot touch and communicate with anybody until you feel very well . That’s why we have to beware of these virus . These virus is going crazy around the world . There’s about 414 million cases around the world that got covid-19 . Based on google there’s 5.83 million people have died in these global pandemic .

Beside that , when the covid-19 started only a few people can go out to buy some food . There’s a lot of policemen out there around the road . If one of you go out more than 3 people , you will get arrested . The government really do the strict control to the people because they don’t want the case getting worse , that’s why we have to social distance , wearing a mask and quarantine ourselves .

Day by day covid-19 getting worse that cause of people afraid to go out . After a few years of covid-19 , the government let us go out but still got control like social distance and wearing a mask . But a lot people still don’t want to go out because they afraid that they will got tested positive for covid-19 . We can’t see the virus but we can feel the virus . Covid-19 affects different people in different ways . Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalisation . Most common symptoms is fever , cough , tiredness and loss of taste or smell .

The conclusion here , we have to take a good care of ourselves , we have to still wearing a mask and social distancing . So we can stay away from the covid-19 .

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